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Create a new email address

→ Go to
→ Click Login
→ Select Control Panel
→ Click á Goto Control Panel
→ Select á Mail
→ Click á Add email account
→ Fill in Username the part you want to be in front of @
Domain name select the domain if you have more than one
Password if the measurement bar becomes green you have a good password
→ Click ADD
→ Then go to to see if everything is working
Username is the email address you created
Password your powerful password
If everything is OK, you can set up an e-mail client, such as Thunderbird for example.

1984 Mail Servers

Incoming mail server: (IMAP)
→ is always
Port: 143 (not a secure connection) eða 993 (SSL - secure connection).

Outgoing mail server: → Port smtp is 465 (TLS or STARTTLS), or 475 (SSL), or 587 (TLS or STARTTLS).

POP configuration: We recommend using IMAP, but if you for some resons need to use POP then:\ → Incoming pop mail server: on Port 110. → Outgoing pop mail server: on Port 995 (SSL).

Note; You need to authenticate with username and password for both incoming and outgoing mail.

E-mail Applications

Configuring 1984 Hosting email accounts in different mail applications.

Configure your email in Thunderbird in Windows

If the window Welcome to Thunderbird opens when you start Thunderbird for the first time, then choose I think I'll configure my account later.

→ Click the Alt key on your keyboard to see the the menu row on top of the window.
→ Choose Tools and Account Settings. → Click Account Actions and choose Add Mail Account.
Your name: Is the name you want the receiver to see as sender.
Email address: Your email address.
Password: Your email address password.
Remember password You probably want Thunderbird to remember the password.
→ Click Continue and choose Manual config.

Incoming: should be IMAP.
Server hostname is
Port 993 SSL/TLS
Authentication Normal password.

Outgoing: SMTP
Server hostname is
Authentication Normal password.
Username: Incoming: Your email address, Outgoing: Your email address.
→ Click Done (or Re-test).

tolvupostur.1476104098.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/10 12:54 by helgi