User Tools

Site Tools


Control Panel and Access

Forgotten Password

To create a new password for the Control Panel:
→ Go to
→ Click Sign in .
→ Click the Forgot password? just below the password window
→ Enter your 1984 contact email.
→ Hit Reset password.
→ A message will be sent to your contact email.
→ Follow the instructions to create a new password.

Service Control Sharing

If you need to provide for example a webmaster access to your website then the Service Control Sharing is ideal for that. With this feature you can give a another registered 1984 user the privileges to control the service. By doing so the user will be notified. You can terminate these privileges any time you like, and the user can also choose to cancel them.
If the person is not a registered 1984 user, it is simple to create user account by going on and click the Create a user button.
To create Service Control Sharing you:
→ Go to and log into your account.
→ Click the gearwheel on the right of the Goto Control Panel button.
→ Fill in the other persons Username (often an email address).
→ Click Give control to user.


Statistics for your website.
→ Go to Click Sign in and login to your account.
→ Click Goto Control Panel.
→ Click the button the the far right of the domain you want took check the stats for.
→ The button should look like three vertical dots.
→ There chose Webserver
→ There at the top you should see a button taht says Open web statistics .

Take a backup copy of your database

Backup of databases are taken once every 24 hours, the backup is saved in the backups directory on the host, it can be fetched via a FTP client (see info on FTP and SFTP Usage here). If you want to take a fresh backup of the database, follow these instructions:

→ Go to, click LOGON and choose Control Panel.
→ Click Goto Control Panel.
→ Click Webtools at the top of the page.
→ Click PhpMyAdmin.
→ Click on the name of the database in the column on the left.
→ Choose the Export tab.
Export Method: Quick.
Format: SQL.
→ Click the Go button and then choose where to save backup copy of your database.

URL Forwarding

To point a domain to a hosting with another domain.
→ Go to Click Sign in and choose Control Panel.
→ Click Goto Control Panel.
→ Click the button the the far right of the domain you want took check the stats for.
→ The button should look like three vertical dots.
→ There chose Forward
→ In forward type chose 301 moved permanently → Finish by clicking Update.

stjornborden.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/08 14:37 by editor