====== Mail - MacOSX - Outgoing Mail/SMTP ====== These directions are made using MacOSX version 4.6 (1085) The text for the pictures appears under it. orwell@1984.is is not an actual email, it is here only used as an example. {{:smtpmac1.png|}} **#1** - Please select **Preferences**. {{:smtpmac2.png|}} **#2** - Choose **Edit SMTP Server List** in the drop down list under **Outgoing Mail Server(SMTP)**. {{:smtpmac3.png|}} **#3** - If all is empty click on the plus to add a server. In **Description** and in **Server Name** put mail.1984.is. Then click on the **Advanced** tab. {{:smtpmac4.png|}} **#4** - Under **Authentication** Choose **Password**. {{:smtpmac5.png|}} **#5** - Choose **Use Secure Sockets Layer(SSL)** for encrypted communication between you and the server. **User Name** is your email and the password the same as for the **Incoming Mail**. When you are done click **Ok**. {{:smtpmac6.png|}} **#6** - Finally choose to use this server specifically.