===== FTP and SFTP Usage ===== ==== Change the FTP Password ==== Log in as your user at [[https://www.1984hosting.com/signin|1984hosting.com]]\\ → Click on the blue button "Goto Control Panel".\\ → Click on "FTP" at the top. \\ → Click on "Edit" to the right of the FTP you want to change.\\ → Fill in the password twice and click "Update". \\ ==== Dreamweaver ==== Configuring **SFTP** in **Dreamweaver**:\\ → Click **Site** and choose **New Site**.\\ → Choose **Basic** in the window that pops up.\\ → **Server Name:** is what ever you want.\\ → **Connect using:**, choose **SFTP**\\ → **SFTP Address** is your domain or the server path 1984 gave you\\ → **Port:** should be **2222**\\ → **Authentication:** choose **Username and Password**\\ → **Usename:** is your FTP Username.\\ → **Password:** is the FTP Password given to you.\\ → Choose **Save Password** if you want Dreamweaver to remember it.\\ → **Root Directory** should be /htdocs.\\ → Fill in your **Password **, choose **Add to Keychain** and click **Login**.\\ ---- ==== Filezilla FTP app ==== Filezilla is an OpenSource FTP application free to download from [[https://www.filezilla-project.org/|filezilla-project.org]], available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.\\ This is how you configure **SFTP** connection in **Filezilla**:\\ → Click the button right below **File**.\\ → This is the **Site Manager**, fetch the ftp information given to you by 1984.\\ → In the **Host:** window you fill in your domain, or the 1984 server path.\\ → **Port:** should be **2222**\\ → **Protocol:** should be **SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol**\\ → **Logon Type:** choose **Normal**.\\ → **User:** is the FTP Username.\\ → **Password:** is the FTP Password.\\ → Now click **Connect** and Filezilla will automatically save your configuration and connect to the server. ---- ==== net2ftp in 1984's Control Panel ==== net2ftp is a web based ftp application which you can use from the Control Panel. Log in to your user at [[https://www.1984.is/signin|1984.is]]\\ → Click **GOto Control Panel.**\\ → Click **Webtools** at the top of the page.\\ → Find the icon "FileManager" and click it. \\ → Fill in your FTP **Username** and **Password** and click **Login**.\\ the net2ftp is only avalable on the old apache servers not the newer litespeed servers\\ ---- ==== WinSCP ==== [[https://winscp.net/|WinSCP]] is a light and convenient ftp/sftp client for Windows.\\ When you open **WinSCP** for the first time you get a **Login** login window, fill in your information lik this:\\ → **File Protocol** SFTP.\\ → **Host name:** your domain or the servername.1984.is.\\ → **Port number:** 2222.\\ → **User name:** your ftp user name.\\ → **Password:** ftp your ftp password.\\ → Click **Save**.\\ → Then click **Connect** and **Yes**.\\ ----